(a) All lands set apart for town sites by the provisions of the Act of Congress of June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight (Thirtieth Statutes, page four hundred and ninety-five), the provisions of the Act of Congress of May thirty-first, nineteen hundred (Thirty-first Statutes, page two hundred and twenty-one), and by the provisions of this Act.
(b) All lands to which, upon the date of the ratification of this Act, any railroad company may, under any treaty or Act of Congress, have a vested right for right of way, depots, station grounds, water stations, stock yards, or similar uses only, connected with the maintenance and operation of the railroad.
(c) All lands selected for town cemeteries not to exceed twenty acres each.
(d) One acre of land for each Cherokee schoolhouse not included in town sites or herein otherwise provided for.
(e) Four acres for Willie Halsell College at Vinita.
(f) Four acres for Baptist Mission school at Tahlequah.
(g) Four acres for Presbyterian school at Tahlequah.
(h) Four acres for Park Hill Mission school south of Tahlequah.
(i) Four acres for Elm Springs Mission school at Barren Fork.
(j) Four acres for Dwight Mission school at Sallisaw.
(k) Four acres for Skiatook Mission near Skiatook.
(l) Four acres for Lutheran Mission school on Illinois River north of Tahlequah.
(m) Sufficient ground for burial purposes where neighborhood cemeteries are now located, not to exceed three acres each.
(n) One acre for each church house outside of towns.
(o) The square now occupied by the caitol building at Tahlequah.
(p) The grounds now occupied by the national jail at Tahlequah.
(q) The grounds now occupied by the Cherokee Advocate printing office at Tahlequah.
(r) Forty acres for the Cherokee Male Seminary near Tahlequah.
(s) Forty acres for the Cherokee Female Seminary at Tahlequah.
(t) One hundred and twenty acres for the Cherokee Orphan Asylum on Grand River.
(u) Forty acres for colored high school in Tahlequah district.
(v) Forty acres for the Cherokee Insane Asylum.
(w) Four acres for the school for blind, deaf, and dumb children near Fort Gibson.
The acre so reserved for any church or schoolhouse in any quarter section of land shall be located where practicable in a corner of such quarter section adjacent to the section lines thereof.
Provided, That the Methodist Episcopal Church South may, within twelve months after the ratification of this act, pay ten dollars per acre for the one hundred and sixty acres of land adjacent to the town of Vinita, and heretofore set apart by act of the Cherokee national council for the use of said church for missionary and educational purposes, and now occupied by Willie Halsell College (formerly Galloway College), and shall thereupon receive title thereto; but if said church fail so to do it may continue to occupy said one hundred and sixty acres of land as long as it uses same for the purposes aforesaid.
Any other school or college in the Cherokee Nation which claims to be entitled under the law to a greater number of acres than is set apart for said school or college by section twenty-four of this Act may have the number of acres to which it is entitled by law. The trustees of such school or college shall, within sixty days after the ratification of this Act, make application to the Secretary of the Interior for the number of acres to which such school or college claims to be entitled, and if the Secretary of the Interior shall find that such school or college is, under the laws and treaties of the Cherokee Nation in force prior to the ratification of this Act, entitled to a greater number of acres of land than is provided for in this Act, he shall so determine and his decision shall be final. The amount so found by the Secretary of the Interior shall be set apart for the use of such college or school as long as the same may be used for missionary and educational purposes: Provided, That the trustees of such school or college shall pay ten dollars per acre for the number of acres so found by the Secretary of the Interior and which have been heretofore set apart by act of the Cherokee national council for use of such school or college for missionary or educational purposes, and upon the payment of such sum within sixty days after the decision of the Secretary of the Interior said college or school may receive a title to such land.
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